Monday, April 18, 2011

And the winner is!

A sincere "Thank you!" to everyone who played in the contest. You all had me laughing for hours. You also made me feel pretty special. It's nice to know your words get read by a few people. If you didn't win this time, don't despair, I will post a tutorial on how to make your own Grape Sheep! I'll also probably be having another contest next month. :)

The winner this time is: Paul
Who won with the following, most creative, story:
In efforts to fill the order from Santa for Xmas, you have had to ramp up production of your goods. You stay up all the time and make little sheep and other stuffed characters from movies and the like. However, due to a Red Bull fueled frenzy and working rage, you overproduced by 12% of the order. Knowing Santa all too well, you had to hide the excess as you realize that Santa will coerce you out of the excess at no additional cost by guilting you into submission. With your cupboards full of yarn and violent Russian porn, you had to shove 8,543 units into the A/C unit. Unfortunately, when Santa came he turned the unit on as he is fat and gets hot quite easily. To keep up appearances you said nothing, and the smell penetrated your house and settled. The same thing happened to your relative before they passed the torch onto you. 

The most simplistic, while still being funny was definitely: "Your relatives are sheeps in disguise"-Rogue Butterfly

Lots of you guessed carpet/bathroom related incidents, here's the scoop:

My unfortunate relatives happen to live in a very old house. It has wool carpet, and an old water cooler that's used for A/C. The old water cooler gets cleaned out with eucalyptus smelling soaps. But that's not the only source of the smell. They also have about 60 hunting trophies, many of which are sheep-like. These guys smell probably worse than the carpet does. But alas, as Sam pointed out, this is not the ONLY source of the wet fiber smell. Turns out the laundry room is barricaded off, hoarders style, and so all the clothes in there that got put in the washing machine 3 years ago? Still in the washing machine.

Makes you scared for me doesn't it?

More news on the knitting front tomorrow, but I'm trying to purge the stash of things I don't use anymore. At this point there's a lot of Lion Brand Homespun, anybody want a bunch of it?


  1. Yay for grape sheeps! And for hilarious stories to win the grape sheep. Hahaha.

  2. Eeep, three year old laundry? And I thought my ex's house was bad!
